Awareness campaign
While the world went into lockdown, our analysts still came to work. We saw a 50% surge in reports and a dramatic rise of ‘self-generated’ sexual abuse content where children are groomed, coerced and encouraged into sexual activities by someone on the other side of the screen and not physically present with them.
In collaboration with our portal countries, we launched an awareness-raising campaign to promote the use of the Reporting Portals. Our multi-lingual messages were shared via social media channels in-country.
In partnership with the Defence for Children International (DCI) Liberia, we created this graphic to encourage Liberian citizens to ensure children’s safety online.

Translated by our Tanzanian partners C-Sema, the graphic in Swahili reads “As we are staying at home, children spend more time online. Help make it a safer place for them to explore. Report child sexual abuse images and videos to

Democratic Republic of Congo
Our partners at the Menelik Foundation from the Democratic Republic of the Congo chose the message “With the pandemic forcing us to stay at home, you will be more active online. You might accidentally see child sexual abuse images and videos. Don’t leave them there. Report it to in French.

The Ukrainian message explains that “The pandemic forces us to stay home and spend even more time online. But on the internet, everyone can stumble upon child sexual abuse images and videos. Don’t leave them there. Please report to, translated by our partner the Children's Rescue Service.